by Clan SteelClaw

"Nothing in the world can endure forever" -a dying citizen, Pompeii 
Submitted by:  Samurai Silver 

"The NRA says, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Yeah, but i think the gun helps. You're not going to kill many people by standing around shouting "BANG!"" -Samurai Gigi 
Submitted by:  Samurai Gigi 

"Kind words plus a two by four will get you farther than kind words alone"  -Samurai Gigi 
Submitted by:  Samurai Gigi 

"This is not the real world" -Everworld 
Submitted by:  Samurai Silver 

"Pigeons on the grass alas." -Gertrude Stein, Saints in Three Acts 
Submitted by:  Shougun Shaiya 

"The oule 
That prophete is of wo & mis- 
-Geoffrey Chaucer, The Legend of Good Women 
Submitted by:  Shougun Shaiya 

"Sex is evil, evil is sin, sins are forgiven so sex is in!" 
Submitted by:  Samurai Gigi 

"How, when you look upon them, can you tearlessly hold the decision for murder?" -Medea 
Submitted by:  Samurai Silver 

"Everyone in a group has a role to play.  At least that's how it always works out.  My role was to say, "Let's do it.  Let's go.  That's what we came here for." 
    But I was tired.  And I'd had a really, really bad few days digging down to this stupid cave. 
    So I said,  
    Sometimes it's hard to get out of a role once you've started playing the part."  -Animorphs #17 
 Submitted by:  Shougun Shaiya 

"The raven once in snowy plumes was 
White as the whitest dove's unsullied 
Fair as the guardian of the Capitol, 
Soft as the swan; a large and lovely 
His tongue, his prating tongue has 
    changed him quite 
To sooty blackness from the purest 
    white."    -OVID, Metamorphoses 
Submitted by:  Shougun Shaiya 

"Force every way will have it they must die, and since this must be so, then I, their mother, shall kill them." -Medea 
Submitted by:  Samurai Silver 

"Some times walls have to be broken down, so that you may see what they've been hiding all along." Submitted by:  Bushi WhiteCrow 

"Do I contradict myself? 
Very well, then, I contradict myself; 
(I am large - I contain multitudes.)" 
- Walt Whitman, Song of Myself 
Submitted by:  Shougun Shaiya


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