![]() ![]() ![]() My advice is more worth hearing anyways. Thailog Dear Demona, A train running from Freeburg NJ to Nexis TN is moving at 40 mph. A second train running from Nexis TN to Freeburg NJ is moving at 20 mph. Since the trains are going to collide anyways, is it morally corrupt to hijack one of them and eat its passengers? -Anonymous As long as the train is filled with annoying tourists, or yuppies, sure. Dear Demona, My name is Kimberly and IRL I'm a cheerleader, but online I am LADY DEATH queen of all that is evil! However, my online persona is starting to manifest itself in my daily life. My parents are worried about my habit of crushing small forms of life such as bugs, rodents, and my little brother. How can I convince them that their punishments are futile gestures of resistance and I'm going to kill them all if they don't let me go out Saturday night? Respectfully yours, LADY DEATH Dear Lady Death, You are truly a psycho, want to grab a bite to eat Friday night, say a few Girl Scouts? Dear Demona, What's the best way to make your slaves loyal? -Kyle I find that keeping the fear in them alive at all time, and killing the hope, then it's just a matter of time before they forget about freedom, and truly become yours, that or give them a lobotomy. Dear Demona Is eating peroxide REALLY hazardous to your health or do grownups just tell you that to keep you from eating cheerleaders hair. Angylite Dear Angylite, Well it cant be as bad as eating the slop they give you in school, I say go for it, besides there'll always be plenty of air heads to replace them. Dear Demona, What is it with the bunnies? Hart Ok, I get this one a lot, the bunnies are not cute cuddly innocent animals, that's just their plan to fool us until they have the resources to take over as the rulers of the world. Dear Demona, I have this uppity slave who never does what she's told. What's the best way to discipline her so she'll behave in front of my guests? Kyle You must never lose face to her, especially in front of a guest, that's when you should punish her the most. Dear Demona,
Dragon's Fire, its great, and warms you right
up, and no matter how much you
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